Project: Boutique Events Venue and Wine Cellar.
DLDS: Stages 1 to 6
Key Details: Listed and key heritage asset. Entirely below street level.
Accolades: Shortlisted for Civic Trust Award.
Below the fashion retailer Gigi Bottega, in the historic and listed Flying Horse Walk, lies a cave network, discovered a few years ago by Angelo himself (the owner of Gigi Bottega). The cave networks are synonymous with Nottingham, so we feel blessed to be involved in such a niche and locally significant landmark.
The project involves the creation of private and secure wine cellars within the caves. Collector’s and wine enthusiast’s will be able to store their prize wine collections or take guests to wine tasting evenings. There will evenings where suppliers from Italy will be providing taster events along with food being supplied by Angelo’s soon to come Deli, located to the mezzanine floor above Gigi Bottega.
DL Design Studio were called upon to assist with design ideas, obtain listed building consent and assist with the building regulation requirements. We have been advising the client during the last few years and are pleased to say that the project is now close to completion. The opening has though unfortunately been delayed due to the 2020 pandemic, but we understand that it will open as soon as it is safe to do so.